Calculate your IUL Policy Cash Value and Tax-Free Distributions

Use our IUL Calculator below to estimate how much tax-free income your IUL can generate in retirement.

Why is it a good idea to use an IUL policy to help with your current financial retirement strategy?

Reason 1: Your income from a 401k or IRA is fully taxable. The income from an IUL is tax-free.

Reason 2: There is no IRS penalty for taking money from your IUL if done properly. If you take money out of your 401k or IRA before you are 59 1/2, you pay a 10% IRS penalty.


Reason 3: The cash value in your IUL policy can be used as soon as year 1 to finance purchases like automobiles, real estate or used for college tuition for the kids.


Doesn’t it make sense to protect some of your retirement savings from stock market losses and taxes? More and more American consumers are discovering how an IUL policy can help you grow your wealth without the risk of the stock market.


More than half the population has a taxable 401(k) or “contribution-limited” Roth IRA. An IUL policy is a great way to build a tax-free layer of retirement income.


Use our TFRA calculator below to see how much you need to contribute to create a tax free retirement income cash flow.


Just adjust your age and enter your desired contribution amount to see your approximate cash value, death benefit and tax-free income. When you are done, complete our survey to see if you qualify.

With a Fully Taxed 401(k):

With a Fully Taxed 401(k):

With a Tax-Free IUL Policy:

And there are many more wonderful fiscal things you can do with an account like this… But!…

Is It “Too Good To Be True,” You Ask?

Nope. It’s very real.

In fact, an Account like an IUL is not a new investment strategy.

Accounts like these have been used by wealthy individuals and families for over 100 years to build, then pass on fortunes in a legally tax-free environment.

President John F. Kennedy had an account like this.

So did Presidents Taft, Cleveland, McKinley, Harding, and FDR (FDR, in fact, held a large portion of his estate—$562,142 or over $7 million in today’s dollars—inside his account…)

Even John McCain used his account to fund his electoral campaign back in ’08.

The only question is…

Do You Qualify For An IUL Account?

An IUL account is NOT available just to the super-rich…

However: an account like this can only be technically set up if you or your family qualify for it.

To discover if you qualify for a IUL, and build out an IUL illustration that will show your cash value accumulation and tax-free distributions, complete our survey:

This survey is going to ask some qualifying questions to see if an IUL is a good idea for you. We will also gather information that will allow us to design an IUL plan for you.

30 Seconds to Pre-Qualify