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New Rules of Retirement Savings [Read our E-Book]

Insurance Quotes 2 Day Team

Written By Doug Mitchell

Doug Mitchell, CLU holds a BA degree in Finance from Auburn University, a Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) designation from The American College in Bryn Mahr, PA and Top of the Table member of the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT). Doug has spent close to 30 years in the insurance and financial planning industry and has held licenses to sell securities, long-term care insurance, health.  Doug is also a financial blogger addressing the topics of life insurance, annuities and retirement income planning.

Holly Mitchell  &

Holly Mitchell’s background in life insurance insurance goes back to 1985 when she worked for her father who was a New York Life agent. Holly has a marketing degree from Auburn University and has had a life insurance license since 2008. In addition to advising life insurance for customers all around the country, Holly is our website fact checker.

Rob Pinner   &

Rob Pinner is the founder and CEO of Pinner Financial Services servicing all 50 states. Rob started his insurance career in 2002.

Louis LaBash

Results-driven and innovative life insurance professional with 30 plus years of life insurance industry sales and marketing experience. Recognized as a pioneer in the field, leveraging phone and internet channels to exceed personal sales of over $100 million during the first decade of the 21st century. Creator of a highly effective intuitive IUL life insurance sales software that facilitated the sale of millions of dollars of indexed universal policies by numerous life insurance agents. Proven track record as a Managing General Agent (MGA), Life Agent, IUL Life Insurance Sales Software developer, and leading-edge creator of insurance marketing tools, educational content, and delivery systems.

 1 minute read

As Albert Einstein once said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”

This book is going to change the way you think.

It’s going to change the way you approach the future.

It’s going to change the way you make decisions.

We know it will, because we’ve seen it happen: to our clients and to our friends. In fact, it’s happening to savers across the country right now.

eBook on The New Rules of Retirement Savings

In my practice, I meet with savers every day.

Some have 401(k)s with employer matches; some have IRAs that they are self-funding.

But the vast majority of the savers I meet – regardless of how they’re saving today – have never stopped to ask three critically important questions:

#1: Why am I saving this way?
#2: How does it benefit me?
#3: Is there a better way I could be saving?

And that’s why I am so passionate about the topics covered in this book. When you’re finished reading it, you’ll be able to confidently answer all three of these questions.

What’s more, you’ll be able to save for your future accordingly.

So dive right in and prepare to change your thinking, your actions, and most of all, the decisions you make about your future.  I am here to help answer your questions and guide you down the path.  

Call us at 1-800-712-8519 or get started with the quoter form on this page. I will model out an IUL to show you what a tax free retirement plan looks like.